Friday, September 16, 2011

Open Letter to Kashmiri Pandit Leadership


[This open letter of mine is not in any way to sideline, demean or belittle the present frontline KP leadership. However, after reading in-between the lines, if it appears like that, I sincerely apologize for the same. But my intention is not to sideline, demean or belittle anyone.]

It has been 21+ years since we were forced out of our home and hearth of thousands of years by Islamic fundamentalists as their aim is to Islamize whole of India by whatever ways. We are simply “Kafirs or Infidels” for them, who deserve only death as well prescribed in their Q’uran and the same has been followed since the advent of Islam, which is well documented in the realms of history.

Since September 1989 onwards, we have been subjected to innumerable injustice and atrocities at the hands of KM’s (read Islamic Zealots), GoI and other sickularists, only for their petty vote politics. Over the period of time, we have very clearly understood that we have no friends but enemies all around and even within. During this period we also saw/experienced withering of our own zest apart from disintegration of Panun Kashmir Movement (PKM) because of the unnecessary ego clashes and whatnot of its leadership, which resulted in dwindling of support to PKM, thereby serving a severe blow to our movement and disillusionment among the KP Community. Apart from above fact, we saw mushrooming of new KP Organisations without any agenda, aim and not to talk about road map. We are witnessing washing of “dirty linen in public” by these so-called KP Organisations, which is further eroding the image of KP Community. It is really shameful and disgusting. All this could have been avoided had people exerted restraint and used a bit of wisdom at the right time.

The responsibility of the same lies with the leadership. Why? It is the leader who is at the forefront and the responsibilities have been bestowed upon them. The Leadership is having a holistic view of everything and is in a better position to gauge events and accordingly take actions/decisions.

Here I will quote my FB friend Kanwal Vishal Kaul and hope he does not mind.


“Definitely, why do we put all the blame on Leaders? See it is the basis of each job that the responsibility lies on the decision maker, the one who is assigned with the job. When India did first Nuclear Test, every one praised Indira for that. Did she develop the technology? Did she sit day and night trying to pave the way out? Nope. But, she got the credit. I am in International Marketing. If I fail to get orders, it’s my failure and not that of my production or my team. As the wise men say, ‘With Great Powers Come Great Responsibilities’. As a leader, one needs to know this. This becomes more so if the majority is in favour of having one organisation and one agenda, as is the case with us all. The leaders, so called, are to unite together as one and then only can we make a step forward. If someone feels that he/she is putting the society under obligation by doing some work then it is better for him/her to step down. Any person who takes the job has to take the job with all its aspects, pros and cons.”


But I have not lost the hope. This years Martyr’s Day can be termed as a Landmark in the history of entire KP community. The event held at Press Club, Jammu saw the attendance of Panun Kashmir factions as well as KP groups who otherwise were/are oblivious to each other. The remarkable spontaneity and flowing ease with which the various groups gelled with each other really marks the coming of age of KP politics. Not that this one event would result in thawing of years of detachment between these frontline players of KP politics but certainly shows that given inspirational Leadership, they can work together in the overall interests of the community. Over the years, if we could pin point one single factor responsible for the distance between various meaningful groups, it would be the hyper egos of our leaders and yesterday in the Martyr’s Day function, we could see those melt away, maybe for sometime but melt they did. We have a choice to either leave it at that or built upon slowly on the positive take of the Martyr’s Day function and create a wider edifice, where to begin with at least, the major groups start working together. Our past experiences should not deter us from making fresh and positive moves. The truth of the matter is that all previous failures in moving together were preventable but we did not try hard enough and at times we could see a complete paralysis of the will power to act. We have to move away from self and show a spirit of sacrifice and of course courage is the bedrock of Leadership and in the Martyr’s Day function, it was at display in ample measures.

The above paragraph are the views written of my another FB friend Virender Raina, who has penned down the outcome of Martyr’s Day function aptly and is exact echo of my views. I could not have put my views in any better way than Virender Raina has. Thanks Virender.

Should we then expect that a new age of ours is going to start and a renewed movement with vigour and fervour is again going to take place? I think and hope, YES. Let the Leadership not allow this opportunity go waist, least it will prove disastrous for all of us. It will allow our enemies to further divide us to horrible levels where from it will be next to impossible for us even to think about raising our voice. I am very sure the Leadership will never ever even dream of a situation/scenario like that. So, dear friends, buckle up, get up and seize the opportunity which has been bestowed upon you. You will never get another opportunity like this in the near future. By not seizing the opportunity you will allow yourself to be written off by your own community. God forbid, if that happens, it will be shameful for whole of the community.

Jai Hind , Jai Panun Kashmir

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